Monday, June 29, 2009

Blessay #226

(A revision of a much earlier Blessay by Pastor Bulldog)

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his BENEFITS:” (Psalm 103:2)

One of the sweetest sights I have seen in our 62 years of marriage is that of Helen reading her large print Bible: in the dining area with her cup of coffee; in her recliner until she drops off to sleep; or on the side of her bed in the middle of the night when she can't sleep.

Often something she reads brings tears to her eyes. "This is so beautiful, I can’t get over it. God gives us BENEFITS. Just think of this – BENEFITS like you get from your employer. It’s just too wonderful.” But that's my girl: the word of God bows across her heart strings, playing them like a cello.

Meditation on the word of God gives cause to reflect on the differences of God’s ways to the ways of the world. Every decade or so, employers deal with employees in different ways. It wasn’t so long ago that human relations people camped on college campuses on recruiting missions, competing for the best brains. Benefits were the carrots of competition to lure them in. College seniors actually made career decisions based on benefits.

And the worst of it is that the whole process of benefits backfired. A recruited “shooting star” got all the benefits possible and some asked for more. Then they were lured away by another company – hop-scotching to mega bonuses and salary increases like the benefit game corporation heads, city managers and school superintendents in moving from job to job; each one giving larger severance bonuses.

How temporal are man’s benefits. As we write, corporations are actually planning to drop health plans and benefits. But with God, His benefits are permanent, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” (Romans 11:29)

It is still fresh in my mind that benefits in my day were simple: If you did a good job today, you got to come back tomorrow. It was not unusual for a person to be told not to bring their lunch on Friday: they might be sent home early because they would not be back on Monday.

Experts say that benefits or the lack of them can cause job related stresses, which can result in angst, depression, poor diet, and lack of exercise: known factors in developing a life-threatening disease. It is important at this time to remember and meditate on all His benefits, some of which are clearly stated in Psalm 103:3-5:

  • Verse 3: “Who FORGIVETH ALL THINE INIQUITIES ...:" The most beautiful words to me are "… thy sins be forgiven thee (Matt 9:2);” “… come unto me … and I will give you rest (Matt 11:28)”. What better BENEFIT? Are you hanging on to guilt, knowing that God turns His head and cannot look on iniquity?

If you have accepted God's free salvation through Jesus, you are saved from the penalty of your sins, according to the word of our immutable God. God has already turned His head away from your sins; they were judged in the body of His only begotten Son as He spoke in agony, “My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” It's over – forget it, God has, why can’t you?! Now, go on! (Accept peace and get rid of stress)

  • Verse 3: "... who HEALETH ALL THY DISEASES: (Caveat ... if we let Him) Some people just accept diseases, drifting into stress and bewilderment. They pray and hope for healing, but do not see in their mind’s eye that their request is placed at the foot of the throne of grace. God’s gift of faith is a super charged BENEFIT: On numerous occasions Jesus said, “They faith has made thee whole. Faith is a gift of grace through faith and it comes by hearing and hearing from the word of God. It’s okay to say, “Lord, I believe, but help me in my unbelief.” Who can find a better health care plan that makes a person whole?

The administration believes the people’s cry for change to mean, "We have no health insurance but from 'Caesar' (John 19:19)". However, we can trust Jesus: He never sees too many patients, never has waiting lines, is ready to see you 24/7, no price increases; Jesus paid it for you, and He has promised never to drop you. In addition, America has the best health care system and the most skilful and professionally trained health care professionals - IN THE WORLD.

Politicians and humanists who say the government is more capable of seeing to the needs of the people do not understand people or they hope for total control of the people, because the people do not know what they need and the government does.

  • Verse 4: “Who REDEEMETH THY LIFE FROM DESTRUCTION ...: Another BENEFIT is sanctification: instant and on-going. New believers are separated from the world at their new spiritual birth, but a discipled believer belongs to the Lord and keeps himself separated from the entanglements of the world, yet having a good report from those without.. Any deviation from the path of being conformed to the image of Christ can and will result in physical destruction and/or spiritual destruction: fellowship with the Lord.

God had a church full of sanctified sheep at Corinth, but they felt so secure that they engaged in all sorts of fornication. The Apostle Paul severely scolded them in his first epistle, telling them to get their act together and to kick out a “black sheep” from the flock, who engaged in incest, to let the Devil's wolves deal with him. But in his second epistle he applauded their repentance and restoration. The sheep of the good shepherd, know His voice and he saves them from destruction of body and soul, and He will rescue them, even if there is only one ... you.

  • Verse 4: " ... who CROWNETH THEE WITH LOVING KINDNESS and TENDER MERCIES:” The good life does not exist outside of being a believer in the LORD Jesus Christ. Worldly pleasures are only "the high life," and don't reach any higher than the moon.

Therefore, worldly pleasure seekers have shallow ambitions, temporal at best, and we all are like ants on this small planet, which Almighty God hung upon absolutely nothing and placed His throne in the north over "the empty place (Job 26:7)." Kindness and mercy are from Mount Zion above, on the sides of the north, the place of the throne of God.

The BENEFIT is a crown of kindness and mercy from God the Father, who is spirit, and Jesus Christ, " ... the image of the invisible God … (Col 1:15),” and from the Holy Spirit, "… the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive … but [we] know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you (John 14:17)." Wear your crown with the grace and love for which it was given (Three benefits for the cost of one).

  • Verse 4: “Who SATISFIETH THY MOUTH with good things ... ; When we look at the disciples Jesus picked, we have to wonder at the diversity of occupations and standing in the world: tax collector, physician, fisherman, and others, making a group of future apostles. Good words are good BENEFITS for use at the right time to the right people: those who hearts are prepared to seek the Lord.

The Master told His disciples that He would give them a mouth; the right things to say to the house of Israel that the kingdom of heaven was at hand. The "good things" the Psalmist mentions are those things that are spoken from the mouth that sprung from the heart. Much later, the Apostle Paul gave good news with the gospel message of Christ, dead, buried, and risen. Then he gave an invitation: " ... if you confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Rom 10:9).

  • Verse 5: " ... so that THY YOUTH IS RENEWED like the eagle's.” But when? Israel is waiting for that, "Next year in Jerusalem," and so am I. Here, then, is the BENEFIT tested, in that there is a time of affliction and a time for healing and relief. But, Is it soon or do we wait and wait and wait to feel the Lord's healing touch? Isaiah’s poetic prophecy concerns Israel, but at the same time God gives us the same advice:

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint (Isa 40:31).

Are you waiting? So are we; waiting to run and not faint; my dear wife will run and not stagger or reel or faint ... so we ask when we shall see God? Call me crazy, but the thought of soaring like an eagle gives me quite a lift, and although it refers to Israel’s future, but it thrills me to pieces. I am also lifted when I read Isaiah’s words to Israel, "Thy youth is renewed,." I claim that verse.

Let's see, I am 82 years old, and when I think of Helen and I bursting through the ether in eternity to a never ending adventure of service to the Lord my heart skips a beat. The Bible says that when we see Him we will be like Him, and we shall see Him as He is (1John 3:2-3). He was about 33 ½ years old. My goodness, it will be so good to be 33 ½ again. What a BENEFIT, what a Savior!

What sayest thou? Comments, please!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blessay #225

Are You Cast Down? Well, Praise Up!
From Off My Chest, From My Heart: the eMail,
By Pastor Bulldog

(Psalm 42:5; 11; 43: 5) “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.”

Who is this that writes with such flip-flop authority about the downcast and the hopeful; all in one short paragraph? Not David this time, but the sons of Korah, probably descendants of the insurgent of (Numbers 18:8-9): musicians in the temple in charge of the worship services.

Their music is mournful, and their beds at night are soaked with their tears of remorse as they remember life as it was in Jerusalem, the holy city of Zion. No more will they be coursing up the steps to the temple, singing and praising Jehovah God, for His grace and mercy to Israel.

The disobedience and spiritual adultery of the sons of Jacob (Israel) caused God to execute His justice as a holy and righteous God and to carry through on His promises of blessings (Deuteronomy 28:1-15) and cursings (Deuteronomy 28:15-68). Knowing that Jehovah "inhabits the praises of Israel", their praises became empty phrases of hypocrisy and they were exiled: Israel in the north to Assyria and Judah to Babylon.

Perhaps there is no worse tortured remembrance than that of remembering how it was "when” and how their days could have remained pleasant as a nation IF they had not drifted away from their foundational moral Law of God in obeying His ordinances, judgments, and commandments.

But now they are in Babylon, a strange country, with an even stranger God who sanctions the worst of hedonistic practices and inhuman treatment. They were a nation that forgot God. Having been entrusted with the oracles of Jehovah that were given to Moses on top of old Sinai. They agreed that all Jehovah commanded, they will do, but it did not take long for them to backslide and lose favor with God.

Yet, today we can praise Him as they did: There are millions around the world, Jews, Gentiles, and the Church of God, who hungrily seek to know more about God and beg for Bibles and teachers.

All men are sin contaminated from birth by inheritance, and all who reject the notion of original sin are the best proof of its truth. Yet... You don't have to remain in your inherited sin, IF you are a new creation in Christ.

  • You can live free of sin and can overcome its temptation.
  • You can be in the company of sinners saved by God’s grace through faith; faith that comes through hearing and reading the word of God.
  • You can be among a new people, a spiritual newly born people who will see Him as He is and will gaze upon His countenance.
  • You are forgiven IF you accept that Jesus' pure blood of God was shed for the remission of your sins.
  • You are free to know the mysteries of God in His dealing with the world. How great is this new world of investigation.

    "YET" the Psalmist remembers his calling of God and advises, "Hope thou in God": and "I shall YET praise him for the help of his... countenance?" In the midst of depression the leaders of worship, the godly sons of Korah, wash their faces, put on clean garments, count to ten and say "I will YET . . .".

    An interesting word is "countenance": from Webster 1828 Ed. in online "eSword", "Literally, the contents of the body; the outline and extent which constitutes the whole figure or external appearance. [But more appropriately, the human face; the whole form of the face, or system of features; visage."

    This first definition not only refers to "face”, but also it describes explicit delineation of the body, or the image of the invisible God, whose punctured nail-scarred hands are stretched out to receive your petition and to give you grace, peace and comfort.

    So, why do I get so down and depressed? There is no reason to, when His countenance comes to our aid, eliminating killer stress and setting us upon a rock in peace as we gaze upon His countenance. And we hear Him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

    The theme text is repeated almost verbatim in two other passages: The three passages are in two Psalms that could have been meant to be only one. The changes in each passage are made in the last part of each.

    (Psalm 42:5) "... for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance".

    The reference is to HIS countenance which, after the horrors and heart-sick melancholy of a nation in exile, the Psalmist will be satisfied with God’s face in righteousness: God is righteous, but the Psalmist must have righteousness accounted to him. Then his search to see His face is rewarded and we are embraced with the warmth of His everlasting love in eternity. Jesus sticks closer than a brother, and His Holy Spirit is our advocate and teacher… “Love so amazing, Love so divine.”

    (Psalm 42:11) "... for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God".

    Again, it's no wonder you feel cast down: STRESS is the Devil's fiery dart of choice, and he does not have to work to hard to hurl it at us. Natural man is naturally sinful and will naturally drift away from God. We let ourselves be exposed to the enemy: We cease from letting God be the Captain of the hosts of the Lord, who LEADS us into battle. "Faithful is He who also will do it."

    (Psalm 43:5) "... for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God".

    The singers of Israel sang a sad song even after a remnant was restored back to Jerusalem. Life never was the same as in the victorious days of King David and the glorious years under King Solomon. God’s people, Israel, serve to give us warning that God blesses that nation whose God is the Lord, but brings justice on that nation that forgets God and says, “We have no God but Caesar.”

    ”The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young” (Deuteronomy 28:49-50). And… that was Israel and every nation in history that forgot God. Who is next?

    I look forward to His pleasant countenance in eternity and His intercession for me today. He is my God. Is He your God? "Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God" (Psalm 50:23).

Monday, June 1, 2009

News About OFF MY CHEST, FROM MY HEART: the eMail

We will cease posting the weekly devotion, Off My Chest, From My Heart: the eMail, because of unknown hindrances, until we can research and restructure and explore our many options.
We have tried three times to post Blessay #224, and for some reason, it (and others) have been blocked. Our List Distributor is as puzzled as we are. In checking with other newsletter owners, we find that others have had the same difficulty: This all began with our List Distributor's problem with Yahoo.
I don't know who is at fault or for what reasons caused this, nor do I care at this point. I do know that the List Distributor is exhausted for all he has been through in trying to unscramble this mess, and that he has had us list owners at heart. He is a good man and could use an extra bushell of prayers.
But I am tired and recently developed a serious illness, for which we will be going though some procedures. Our concern is for the messages we feel that the Lord has given us to pass on to "whosoever will" read them. I cannot be bothered with chasing down problems and eating up time and energy on computer stuff.
When I die, it is my request that our two sons will find me sitting in front of this desk top H.P. with my last Blessay on the monitor, keyboard on my lap and right hand on the mouse.
BUT THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN ANYTIME SOON. I have many themes in folders for future blessays until they run out your eyes.
My progress will be posted on the "Cancer" blog,
as a teaching tool for your benefit. Isn't that what Paul wrote to the church at Corinth?"
And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation (2Corinthians 1:6).
In the meantime, all future Blessays will be posted on the Main Blog of the Fifteen Blog Network, http://bulldogs-are-survivors.blogspot/.
To God be the glory,Great things He has done.
Robert and Helen Adams


Please Note: In addition to the above, I have found that a large group of subscribers are missing from the list. If you have not received your Blessays for some time, please let me know and I will re-subscribe you.

Little Anti-Christs around the world are doing everything they can to destroy the Bible, discredit the Lord Jesus Christ, and ruin a Christian's testimony. But I would hate to think that they would target my subscribers . . . yeah?

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time (1John 2:18).