Not without a few well-chosen "barks" from Pastor Bulldog. I have begun chemotherapy treatments to eradicate a tumor on my right lung. I have also begun a series on the treatments, The "Big C" Chronicles: the process, the progress, my thoughts, the effects, and results. I will add an account each week until whatever. I recognize this "sting" as the Lord permitting it to happen that He might prove me for even greater service to the Lord, "whether by life or by death". At the same time, Helen is going through a battle of pnuemonia on top of the after effects of her second pacemaker/defribulator implant. To make the treatments for both of us easier and to keep our boys from "tearing their hair out" in extra work, worry and concern, the family in a concerted effort has helped us close up house-keeping and move to a beautiful long-term care faciltiy, Del Mar Gardens of Overland Park (Metro Kansas City, MO), Kansas, just nine miles from our former home. The Bulldog will continue to bark by God's grace through faith. Keep checking in, there's more to come.
Thank you for your prayers.Click on "THE TOPIC OF CANCER" link on the side bar to the left for The "Big C" Chronicles. Thank you for your love and loyalty. "To God be the glory, Great things He has done."